Monday, April 19, 2010

5w 4d

Evening!! Well after sitting on the edge of my seat all weekend I completed my 2 blood tests and got the results - EXCELLENT!!!

Fridays were 2540 (up from 83 6 days prior) and todays (Monday) were nearly 10,000!!!! JEEPERS!! Dr. John asked if we had  a history of twins in the family..eerrrr no! So now of course that seed is planted! I know the range is pretty big for where I'm at but that's some pretty impressive numbers!

Even though I know its not smooth sailing from this point it is nice to not feel anxious and stressed for at least 5 minutes of this first 12 weeks! Peter got pretty stressed when I mentioned the possibility of twins (due to money) but I've told him it's probably only one baby so don't stress!!

Have booked in for a scan next Tuesday! I am SO EXCITED! I'll be 6w 5d so I'm praying everything is peachy keen and there is a super healthy heartbeat beating away in there as angel bubs only made is as far as 6w 3d (though held on til week 9)!! I'm just over the mood with those numbers! Would explain why I'm just sooo tired though!

Ive had to go out and buy some crop tops (I feel like I'm 12) to sleep in coz my boobs are getting so sore to be out of a bar! I've promised Peter I'll buy some nice maternity ones! As I said to him 'I may wear my comfy cotton friendly undies...but I always make sure my bra is nice!' hahaha

No news symptoms really! Still just bloated, tired (had to have a 10min power nap in my car at lunch), feel off every now and then and eating...a lot! I'm trying to keep it healthy though!!

Told work today too! Mainly because they know about the previous miscarriage so they can be supportive for appointments and things like that! Going to try getting in early a few times this week so I can leave early if need be! I'm just struggling in the afternoons!!

Geared up to tell Mum and Dad tonight as the results came back good but got to their house only to remember mum is on night shift this week! So it'll wait til Wednesday now! Though she has to keep a lid on it as it's my BFF's birthday Wednesday night (she is also my cousin) so I don't want to go stealing her thunder!! Please I don't want to tell more family til we have the scan on Tuesday! I'd love to keep it til the scan for everyone but mum keeps asking! I've bought some time but won't be able to for much longer!!

Well I've rambled on enough for tonight...will update again soon!! :)

Dear Bubbles,

Today you are 3 week and 4 days old and my are you snuggling in tight if my hormone levels are anything to go by! You certainly impressed me and the doctor today! :) I'm very proud of you already. Though I wonder if there is only one of you in there? I get to see you in one week! Daddy and I are just so excited about it - you should hopefully have your little heart beating away in there!

You are still making me tired but I am still willing to give you everything every single day! I can not wait to be your mummy outside my tummy! I can't wait to go shopping for you and make up your nursery so you'll have somewhere to sleep and call your own!

We just love you so much! You are an amazing little being and we couldn't be more excited you chose to set up home in my belly!!

Love Mummy! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. What great news Super!!! My HCG levels at 5w3d were 13631, and I've only got one bub (that we can see) so DP can probably relax!!! :) Keep up the great work!! Looking forward to more updates!!!!!
