Thursday, April 15, 2010

5 WEEKS!!!!

YAY so as the title suggests I am 5 weeks today! YAY! Baby feels like they are cruising along nicely in there! I'm so happy about it all right now! Will tell mum and dad in the next day or so I guess.. (they are expecting news of some variety!)

I have a Dr's appoitment to get my results this afternoon...not that I'm worred! I will get another blood test done tomorrow for a check of my HCG levels and then an appointment with Dr. Suresh John my OB so we can work out when I can book in for a dating scan! I'm really hoping just after Anzac day when I'll be over 6w 3d (the furthest our angel baby made it!) Plus I want guarantee that I'll see a heartbeat so I'm doing everything I can NOT to go to early!!

Took another HPT last night just for peace of mind and on an internet cheapie one I got SUCH a strong line! I was so excited! It means that the hormone is definitely building!! I'd be worried if it was staying faint or getting lighter But NOPE it's there and it can't be missed!!

I'm tired...tired tired! It's simple! I just want to sleep all day! Then I get home from work and I wake up for a few hours then am ready to be tucked up in bed again at 8.30! haha Poor Peter! We like to go to bed together but I've been dragging him to bed so early otherwise I'm asleep on the couch! haha But he's been so good! We're both just so over the mood.

Boobs have gotten WAY more sore! Which is exciting! Previously it wasn't ever a progressive thing so it's nice to feel things getting stronger!

Well not much to report though.. I'm over my job and just keep looking toward the end where I can leave and not have to worry about coming back! I'm still wanting to do my cert IV in personal training but seems harder now coz I can't do my hours or anything being pregnant... but I will need to look into something to do once baby is born so we have a small amount of extra income! Though I've been working full time since I was 18 so I can't see me having a problem getting a part time job!!

Dear Bubbles,

Today you are 3 weeks old! How exciting! You are just growing so quickly at this rate! In another week you will have your own heartbeat!! I can't wait to see that and see how strong you are! Everyday I tell myself that you are here and you belong with Daddy and I so we know you will hang around to meet us at the end of this journey! I can not wait!

You are still making me very very tired and every little niggle is a reminder of how lucky I am that you have chosen us! We thank our lucky stars so many times a day that you are with us!

I do get scared that you will leave us and join our angel but I tell myself to enjoy every moment I have with you - and will continue to do so for the rest of my life!

You are already amazing and I will tell you that everyday!

Love you bubbles!

Love Mummy! xoxo

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