Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The ball is finally rolling! EEP!!!

Yep - the nursery ball is finally rolling and at an excellent pace! Peter FINALLYgot into the nursery over the weekend and had it all painted yesterday...well the walls anyways! The window/door frames and doors still need to be painted in Gloss White but the walls are done! YAAYY!!!

This is after the first coat of paint on it! I'm so happy with the colours! The top half is the colour of our lounge room and the bottom is called 'Green Fella'! I love it! It's come up so well!!

In that middle part under the mirror will be the chest of drawers with a change mat on top then wardrobes either side - which is handy as one side is good for hanging and pram storage and the other has shelves so good for storage of baby's stuff!

Just another angle of the room - and another coat or 2 on the walls! I'm so so excited with how it is all turning out! AND the fact the by the weekend we will have it all painted!

If the border isn't up by the weekend then I will get my parents to help me put it up as Peter is busy all weekend and I reeeaalllly want it up so I can then focus on getting my furniture and baby's stuff into the room!!

After much searching and deliberating on what border to roll with we finally decided on one to match the cot set we have got! I did manage to find one from the US but it was pretty expensive for the length - only 4.5m which I need much more of! SO for convenience sake we are rolling with the kidsline Zanzibar border as the animals and colours are fairly similar to the cot set and walls.

 So it is all coming together and I couldn't be happier!! YAAAAYYYY!!!

Just so happy that it's finally all starting to happen!

As for bubs - well he has definitely had a growth spurt as his kicks and punches are soo strong now! We tried the jaffa on the belly thing last night after he was kicking my phone off but he decided not to co-operate! Instead he'd power kick once I ate the jaffa! GRRR! hahaha

Had the 3d/4d scan on Saturday - amazing! Will put some pics in the next post!! It's all just getting sooo real!!

Have my GCT tomorrow (diabetes test) AND have to get my Anti-D injection AND more blood tests! :( Just not cool! I hate feeling like a pin cushion! But hopefully all the sweet sweet wine and cordial etc. in the past have made for good practice of drinking this sweeeettt stuff I have to have tomorrow!!!

Anyway enough from me!! xxoxo

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