Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well we are edging our way to the third trimester -I can't believe it already! Like I'm not sure as to whether or not it starts in week 27 or 28 (different books say different things)  but I definitely am getting closer either way! It has gone so unbelievably quickly I simply can not believe it! Its ver very exciting!

As a quick rundown of my countdown I've got 98 days til my due date (less than 100! YAY!!), 50 days til I finish work (BUT only 29.5 ACTUAL work days) and only 9 days til our next scan! WOOP WOOP!! I'm so looking forward to it - 3d/4dscan with a DVD to music of our choice AND a cd of images! So he's going to look like such a cute little bubba I can not wait!!

He's settled into a familiar pattern of movement now which is great - I know I'm generally going to get kicks in the morning when I wake up and we have a play with my belly before I go to sleep as well as he moves around a lot! I put my oil and moisturiser on and he kicks and rolls around in there!!

Ummm... symptoms... my forehead could not be drier if it tried - no amount of moisturiser helps, blood noses.. at least 2 a week and they are getting worse... tired tired tired! OTherwise I feel good! I went for a 6km walk yesterday with a BFF so that was good and tonight Peter and I will hit the pool for a few laps which will be good! Measurements...well .... I haven't expanded my waist but my hips, bust and thighs have gone back to where they were a month ago! :( But thats ok... I'm still happy with where I'm at - looking at about 6kg weight gain so far!! And my eating has been terrible so I can't complain!!

Well sorry to end abruptly but I better work!!

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