Monday, August 2, 2010

A Wiggly Worm!!

Well where to has officially sunken in that we will have a little man in our lives come christmas and I am just so excited! I found out Friday night Big W had a baby sale on so needless to say first thing Saturday morning my sis and I headed off to the shops and bought some REALLY cute little outfits - tending just to stick to little onesies and singlet onesies at this stage as I figure that unless I go out somewhere being summer this litte man isn't going to be wearing much more than that! So bought that and some little weenie socks and just bits and pieces! Jac bought a few tihngs for me as well which was really lovely - it's nice that we can both get out fix of girl stuff (her little bub is only 4 weeks old) and boy stuff for Reggie (I really need to start getting used to saying Ashton otherwise this baby will actually be called Reggie! haha)

I orignally went because they had the baby gates that I love on sale for $50 when usually they are $90 (even on ebay they are $100)! Its a retractable one thats kind of like mesh rather than the swing gates so it's not in the way! I only need the one to stop him from moving between the kitchen and loungeroom depending on where I am! I know we won't need it for AT LEAST 12 months but I like to be prepared! haha They had sold out at this place so that was annoying! BUT we went to another Big w yesterday and found them! YAY and because I was with Peter we bought a few more things! hehe we're hopeless but I think we've got our excitement burst out of the way now and will settle down and focus on the nursery!!

I had a bit of an emotional moment on Saturday night where after leaving my besties party I felt so flat that I was missing out. Not even the drinking thing because the really doesn't bother me but just knowing that I was at home because I was SO tired and everyone else (including Peter) was out still! Mind you I made it til midnight! But I just felt like I really needed him there with me. I refuse to be the girlfriend that tells him he can't go out etc. so yesterday still feeling flat and emotional just let him know that even though yes his life will change dramatically when this baby comes along my lifes already changed and that just occasionally he needs to think of me and what I'm going through. He understood and it was really good because I didn't want him to feel like I was attacking him (he tends to take these things personally and get all 'I need to be better' and stuff) when really I just wanted him to realise that sometimes, I need him on my side! So we had a really lovely day shopping, then lunch at his dad's and showed him the DVD of the scan and told him he was having a grandson! HE was so happy! It's really lovely to see! He is so excited!!

Then home for some snuggles and a nap on the couch together! We even dtd which sorry if TMI but we haven't done in like a month!! Poor Peter! He is so patient! haha Then just snuggled on the couch watching TV where Reggie was going bananas!! I was laying there subconsiously with my hand on my tummy feeling him (I can even see it now it's AWESOME) then thought he's been doing this a while and got Peter to feel so he felt too which went on for like 10 minutes!! Even this morning he is going bananas!! haha He's more of a roller than a kicker but I do feel kicks too!! I went to bed with a smile on my face last night! One of the nicest days Ive had in a long time!!

I didn't get much sleep though as pregnancy not only makes me anxious and worry about Peter when he's out but I have this weird thing where I'm petrified the house is going to burn down! So after a power surge at 12.30am I worried that that had set something alight (despite having surge protectors around) and got up 3 times worrying! Then lay awake listening to the wind and rain hoping everything was ok!! I didn't get to sleep til like 2.30!! ARGH!! Damn paranoia! Guess I'm only going to get worse when Ashton comes along!!!!

Well I've rambled enough for one day!!! TTYL!!

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