Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Smiles all Round!

Well I just can't help grinning from ear to ear right now! Everything seems to be rolling in a positive direction..firstly Nani and GS are both pregnant - cautiously but still that BFP has been granted to them which is just the best news!! I wish them both the most amazing healthy journeys and can't wait to see them progress! I distinctly remember being 6/7 weeks along and the other girls hitting that elusive 12 weeks and marvelling and wondering how on earth people actually got to that point and here I am at almost 22 weeks and still amazes me every day that I am here - so whilst it seems like the impossible dream it really can become reality!

I always told myself I know you can't prevent a miscarriage if it's going to happen but I know the one thing I did do this time was listen 100% to my body! If it needed a day off work and if I needed to just lay like a lump I did it, I got over feeling lazy etc. because I was determined to give myself and this little guy a fighting chance! I still do it now - if I feel I need a day to rest I just do it!! Work at the end of the day is just work! They will get over it!!

Now other good news - GJ has reached the point Dr's call 'viability' so now if anything happens her lovely little bub will have a fighting chance of survival! I know how stressed she has been to reach this point and now she is here - and every passing day and week is one step closer!!! I'm so happy for her!!

It's amazing how it happens in bunches and I really really hope the next couple of weeks brings amazing news for Shel, Bubba, Rolz and Summa! I know we have had our differences in the past  but we're all rooting for each other at the end of the day = the same reason we met in the first place!!

Will report back later...

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah! 12 weeks will be huge! It will be that safety margin and the time when we can tell everyone! Although, at the moment I am just looking forward to seeing my HCG levels are rising like they are supposed to! :-)

    I shall heed your advice regarding listening to my body. That is something I know I haven't been good at in the past, particularly relating to exercise fatigue. I need to do the right thing or I will regret the consequences terribly!

    Hopefully, all this good news it continues to flow around. Still got a few more folks who need a BFP. Also want to make sure the rest of you girls get to full term safely too!

