Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well 5DPO...not too much going on here... had a nice temp jump this morning.. was a bit restless though! I've just accepted that I will be getting up and going to the toilet evenry night in the middle of the night for the rest of my life! So frustrating!

Again not much to report..super tired still - can't seem to get past 2pm without slamming into a wall so hard I struggle through the afternoon! Having to power nap when I get home to make it through the night! Went to the toilet before and had (sorry this will be TMI but part of the wonderful journey that is TTC) the biggest glob of EWCM! Like it was an actual glob not just a bit of stretchy but just....globby! And perfectly clear - yet everything else today has been thick and goopy and creamy coloured...weird!! But I have no idea.. so I'll just roll with it! haha

Still having some low lying pressure down in the uterus region...I really hope its something... I just feel I've done everything I can this month..tracked O with temps (though thats more for researh purposes), used Preseed twice, BDed like every second day (except once we missed a day..oops!!) so who knows! I guess if we don't get lucky this month we'll just go back for more next month!!

Counting down til easter....only like 2 working days to go! Bring it on!!!

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