Been on Maternity leave for 2 weeks now and am still not bored! Have managed to conquer the everest of cleaning though so I feel good about that - I'm not nesting yet so I didn't enjoy the cleaning one bit! But it had to be done for my baby shower on Sunday! IT is done now and I have plenty of time to keep it clean!!
Also I got my text books and first assignment for my Personal Training course on Monday so have spent about an hour and a half every day on that! I want to get the first 2 assignments + my first aid certificate done by christmas as that will have me completed certificate III so then after christmas I can focus on getting my cert IV done! I start my 8 week prac component on 11th Feb (providing all goes normally on the birth side of things) so then by Aprilish I should be fully qulaified along with my sister! I'm pretty excited about it!! Figure it is a great way to earn income around bubs and Peter without needing to worry about childcare or babysitters!!
On the pregnancy side of things - we have finished up our antenatal classes! Was a bit sad really! I really enjoyed them! We had a great group of people and always left laughing! But the couple we got along with the best had the same due date - would laugh if we ended up in hospital together!! haha Bubs has seriously got the pointiest limbs on the planet! I've changed his name from Reggie to Limby because I am constantly getting a foot there, or a knee there! It can be painful because it takes me by surprise! But always a reassurance that's for sure! I will so miss this side of it all!!
Umm...(TMI) but I think bub dropped a bit overnight/this morning as I was getting some period like pain (very dull though) and then when I was out at morning tea I got some stabby pains on the cervix and then when I went to the toilet I had leaked a bit - enough to go through to my pants! :( So I've had a pad on today - just a normal one and it seems it was probably just a bit of wee (isn't pregnancy just a sexy experience) and a bit of discharge which has definitely amped up! But I've been getting the period pain off and on again this afternoon so I'm just watching it and keeping an eye on it! I also had a teensy bit of spotting a few days ago (and we hadn't DTD or anything) but nothing since so as I said, just keeping an eye on it! Bubs has been a moving machine still so I'm not stressing about him!!
Belly shots:
Taken earlier today! As you can see I have one stretch mark on that side and the other side I have one that is identical plus one more!! But touch wood I've done alright to only have those ones! Can't complain about weight gain or anything as I have literally put on the bare minimum of what I need to - bubs is already 2.5kg so that plus fluid and stuff I'm not stressing too much about it at all! Plus from behind I still don't look pregnant so I can't complain about that! Though regardless of how big/little you are you can't avoid the waddle!! haha
Have to say though I have become a lot more comfortable with my body since being pregnant! Like I could stroll around in the nude all day these days (I don't but I could) whereas before I never would have and I look at photos of pre baby now and wonder why I had issues!! I was so silly! If I can get back to what I was I will be so happy! haha So definitely happy with how it is all going!
Did my measurements the other day and I've only put on 3cm on my belly since about 30 weeks and my thighs have stayed the same as at the start! So again - my wefforts in maintaining exercise throughout the pregnancy has paid off! I'm trying to walk every day plus I'm still going swimming once a week!!
Umm..a massive shout out to the first of our SWB girls to pop - Kim and Lambchops!! Both welcoming their little men yesterday!!! Lachlan and Ollie are such lucky boys to have you ladies as their mums!! Can't wait to see a pic of Lachlan but Ollie - that photo is just beautiful! I'm so proud of you ladies!!!!!
You look fantastic!!!! you know, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks nice and gentle but consistent exercise during pregnancy (if possible) pays bloody good dividends!!! Not long till we join the ranks of the others!!! Getting exciting (did I mention nervous too?!?!)